About Us

Aim and Mission:

gitips.org is aiming to provide a free ground to present cases, medical hypothesis, unpublished/published research findings, tips and tricks and novelties of interventions,  comments on published research, questions, or any kind of finding or knowledge you want to share and discuss with your colleagues.

After registring to the site, you click  "my posts" and you would enter new data to share with your colleagues. If you want to add video, first you upload your video to "youtube" and after clicking video icon you enter the relevant url. Your video will appear on the screen. You would also add files in adobe, Word, or ppt format. You would add a Picture to appear as a showcase at  the bottom of the form. When you click gitips icon on the upper left of the screen you will be directed to the homepage.

You will be notified when your entrance appear in gitips. You will be notified if comments are entered relevant to your post as well.

When you add your interests in your profile, you will be notified of the relevant posts entered and activated in gitips.

We will be very pleased to receive your feedback to drhakansenturk@yahoo.com .


Hakan Senturk, MD

Professor of Medicine

Head of Gastroenterology

Medical Faculty

Bezmi Alem University

Istanbul Turkey

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